Since the album is amended and about to be published, mixed feelings get as deep and strong as thenight mist rising and hovering in my heart.
My hometown Rui’an, a cradle of brilliant talents, a hub of humanity, is known for the Xishi inkstone,thebubbling Yun River. It is immersed in the humanistic atmosphere inherited from Sun Yirang, a greatscholar of the Qing dynasty who built his study in Ruian.
The memory of my childhood is imbued with the traditional art of Rui’an. I still remember the canopybed engraved with opera characters, the handcraft-printed sheets and the embroidered pillows, thebeautiful Rui’an song by A Qin, our blind neighbor, a cluster of residential houses, a strap of brook, apiece of boat, so on and so forth, on which I can fix my eyes all day long. The lovely images emerge inmy mind from time to time and often shed light on my work even today. Thus, I choose to express mygratefulness and love to my hometown by making this album and organizing the exhibition.
Moreover, the album summarizes my art works of the past years, around 200 in total, including worksattending national exhibitions, and experimental, exploratory and thematic ones. Some of them, althoughby no means mature arts, are an indispensable part of all my creations. By publishing this album, I wishfor myself a sounder and steadier art career in the future.
I attribute my achievements, if any, to those who care for, support and help me. I would not have madeit without all of them.
Hereby, I would like to extend my gratitude toward the Publicity Department of the Municipal CPCCommittee, Rui’an, for its support to the publication of this album and the exhibition. Thank Mr. Xu Jiang,Mr. Yin Shuangxi, Mr. Shang Hui, Mr. Zhang Yuanfan and Mr. Chenqi, who have bothered to inscribeand write remarkable comments for my album. Thank the seniors and peers of the Whenzhou ArtistsAssociation who have always been encouraging me throughout my career. Thank the Bureau of Culture ofRui’an, the Rui’an Museum, the Jiayang Advertisement Company, the Wenge Space Design Company,the Hege Culture Communication Company for their effort in the course. Thank the Yachang Art Center fortheir gorgeous work on this album. In the end, thank my families who have long been backing me up!
Cai Ruirong
September, 2016
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